Important information
CITS25 End of life


Important information for all registered CITS25 Customers

CITS25 Impedance calculator End of life support program



If you are a licensed CITS25 customer, this notice contains important information regarding product support.

Until now CITS25 could be moved from one PC to another by sending Polar a valid deactivation code and paying an administration fee. Support for CITS25 is now phased out.  You may still trade in a licenced CITS25 by deactivating the licence and taking advantage of the offer 2) below:

1) Polar is unable to reactivate  CITS25  

2) From April 2003 until December 2003, you may deactivate* your licensed CITS25, and receive one FREE 3 month subscription to Si6000c or Si8000m. Alternatively you can provide Polar with the deactivation code to qualify for an equivalent value discount against a full licence for Si6000c or Si8000m.

3) You may choose to continue to use your CITS25 keeping in mind that the offer in 2) ceases in December 2003. 

Please note that a significant benefit of the Si6000 and Si8000m is protection by a physical hardware activation key (parallel or USB) which means your Si6000 / Si8000m licence is transportable between PCs and has the added benefit of being independent of system crashes and operating system upgrades.

"What should I do now?"

If you decide to deactivate between April 2003 and December 2003, you will receive one 3 month FREE subscription to Si6000 or Si8000m - this offer is worth the same price as you paid for your original CITS25

- Please let us know if you require a USB or Parallel key which we will ship to you on receipt of a valid deactivation code. 

To obtain your CITS25 deactivation code: CITS25 deactivation procedure


 Benefits of this new program:

A key benefit of migrating to Si6000 or Si8000 is that the products are activated by a USB or parallel port key. This means you can easily transfer your license from PC to PC by physically transferring the  key.

Using a physical key also means you are protected against loss of activation in the case of a disk crash, or a "surprise" upgrade of your PC by the IT department.

You also benefit from increased models, with improved accuracy and powerful time saving goal seek and graphing functions that are  integral parts of the Si6000 / Si8000

Useful link: CITS25 deactivation procedure

Please contact your local Polar office for more information